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I've always been fascinated by the figures portrayed from the back that I met throughout my studies of art history. Ingres, Caillebotte, Magritte, Velasquez, David Hopper, Friedric, Hammershoi ... Many are the authors who come to my mind. Almond instinctively, at the beginning of my work, I started a series of such portraits. The view from the back recounts the most hidden feelings,it retains an aura of mystery, it narrate of suspended and silent moments. My figures do not contemplate the infinite as in the Romanticism,they do not look out of a window, we do not participate to their wonder. We can only observe them while they protect their intimacy, hiding their faces while they show us their unexhibited femininity, utterly indifferent to the fact of being observed ...
This album was created with the intent of collecting my work of the recent years on this subject.